

As part of our family we want to make sure you receive the very best in dental care and services. It is also our duty of care to educate you on what good dental health is and how it relates to your life … so you can lead the best life for you and your family.

In our regular blog, we talk about dental care, treatment and maintenance, sharing our knowledge and expertise with you so you are always in the know. We look forward to seeing you again in the clinic soon. But until then, happy reading and stay healthy!

The team at Myers Street Dental Clinic


Does mouthwash help with sore throats caused by a cold?

Not all mouthwashes will help with sore throat. Research shows that commony available mouth wash containing povidone iodine or chlorhexidine is effective in reducing the intensity and duration of the symptoms of sore throat. Iodine based mouthwash is quite effective on certain viruses, bacteria and some fungi as well, however […]

How prescription medication is being used (and overused) in dentistry

After a recent study discovered that American dentists are overprescribing medication, we asked a local expert about the dental practices in Australia. In a recent publication from dental professionals’ magazine Bite, it was pointed out that US dentists prescribe twice as many antibiotics as dentists in Australia do. The 2019 […]

Get The Most Out Of Brushing Your Teeth

What are the biggest brushing technique mistakes people make?  Rinsing: It all begins with their rinsing off all the good stuff. Toothpaste isn’t just about making bubbles and giving you minty fresh breath. The fluoride in toothpaste is especially important for re-hardening the surface of the enamel, making it more […]

Building partnerships with your family dentist for long-term dental care

Dr. Gautam Herle, Principal Dentist at The Myers Street Dental Clinic in Geelong, Australia that prides itself on their long-term understanding of their patients joins eHealth Radio and the Dental Care and Health News Channels. Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Gautam Herle discuss the following: Tell us a little about yourself and what […]

The seven tell-tale signs of cavities

Plaque is more than unsightly. Left long enough, it can cause tooth decay, which can bring about cavities. Plaque is the end result of bacteria build-up on your teeth and gums, helped in no small part by sugar, which generates tooth-decaying acid. What do cavities look like? Cavities can be […]

The Child Dental Benefits Scheme

At Myer Street Dental Clinic, our patients are able to access the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). The Government introduced the scheme in January 2014, and it provides benefits for basic dental services, aged between 2 and 17 years. Since the scheme began around 3 million children have been able […]

Dr. Gautam Herle explains how to keep your smile for life

Geelong dentist Dr. Gautam Herle sat down with eHealth Radio to discuss the modern dental landscape, and the importance of being proactive. Principal dentist at Geelong’s Myers Street Dental practice, Dr. Gautam Herle was recently featured as a guest on the eHealth Radio Network’s podcast series, which offers current health […]