
The deadly mistake you are making by not flossing!

ATTENTION, ATTENTION: Flossing your teeth every day as part of your teeth-cleaning routine is crucially important. Yet so many of us “forget” to floss.


Some people just aren’t bothered. Some don’t see the important. Some don’t know how.

But how important can it really be?

The answer is VERY important. In fact, if you fail to floss your teeth on a daily basis, you are actually making a literally deadly mistake…

Without flossing, up to 40 percent of your tooth surfaces miss being cleaned.

Here are some of the reasons you must floss your teeth:

  • Dental plaque forms between the teeth and only flossing can get rid of it. Plaque consists of bacteria, viruses, and microscopic parasites. These accumulate and cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), which is the first stage of gum disease. Not treated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, and this in turn destroys the bone of the jaw which holds the teeth in place.
  • Food debris and dental plaque that is not removed from between the teeth will lead to tooth decay.
  • Dental plaque that remains between teeth is a big contributor to bad breath. This is the result of metabolism of the bacteria in plaque, and tooth decay and gum disease can also cause bad breath.
  • Tartar forms when the sticky plaque hangs around too long and hardens up with calcium. Once this forms, brushing with a regular toothbrush just doesn’t get rid of it. Tartar causes gum disease, and ultimately needs to be de-scaled in the dentist chair.

These are all good reasons to floss, but are they deadly? They can be…

  • The bacteria in plaque can lead directly to the development or worsening of heart disease. The mouth is the entry-path for the harmful bacteria that can cause inflammation of the heart and blood vessels; streptococcus is one of these.

The only way to prevent this mode of developing heart disease is by thorough, regular brushing and flossing of your teeth.

  • There is also evidence that gum disease aggravates the complications of diabetes. Diabetes slows healing within the body, therefore inflammation develops more quickly.

Gum disease is a much bigger problem in diabetics – only brushing and flossing can mitigate the risks.

To get the very best advice about your flossing technique, chat to your dentist or oral health therapist.

They are experts and can give you tips to make sure you are flossing correctly, each and every time. Isn’t your dental health (and overall health and wellbeing) worth it?

To schedule an appointment phone (03) 5222 4599 for the very best in dental care today.